15 Dec

Where attention goes, energy flows. I often explain to my clients that however right they may think they are, if it’s not working, change it! We can sometimes get stuck in old belief systems like 'I've always been this way' or 'it runs in the family' or 'no one can help me', the list goes on...

The reality is that we have come to form these negative and disempowering beliefs over time. We weren't born with these thoughts or feeling. As we learned to do things or experienced challenges in our lives, through feedback, we slowly started to form beliefs about our capabilities and limitations. I often describe it like the apps on your phone. If they were not regularly updated, they would simply lose functionality and eventually stop working altogether. Why then, should you expect to get the best results from your life if you don't regularly update your programming. For example, you may have learned a way of doing something that was not the best or easiest way and yet, you believe it to be 'how its done', or its the only way I know how'. The good news is that by using Hypnotherapy and powerful NLP techniques, you can 'update' your mind to the latest and best version of you. Rather than short changing yourself, get in touch and give yourself an upgrade to the best you, you can be!