What is Hypnosis?

The hypnosis you will experience during your appointment is a natural altered state of awareness that we have all experienced in our daily lives whilst being relaxed or deep in thought to the exclusion of everything else around us. Clinical Hypnotherapy is a systematic process to guide you into these resourceful states.

Does Clinical Hypnotherapy work?

Although results cannot be guaranteed, as long as you are genuinely committed and ready to change, but need some help to do so, clinical hypnotherapy can help you easily achieve those changes.

How long will each session last?

The initial consultation takes approximately 1 ½ hours with subsequent sessions taking between 50-60 minutes. Appointments are usually a week apart but can be tailored to suit you.

How many sessions will it take?

As we are all unique individuals the number of appointments will vary although my intent is always to help you overcome your problem in the shortest possible time.
Ultimately, you are investing in your health, happiness and freedom. You are worth it!

How will I know I am hypnotised?

Most people cannot tell the difference between the hypnotised and waking states. For some people it's a feeling of being very relaxed and sometimes lethargic. For others, it can be a feeling of lightness. It is important to note that hypnosis is not sleep - contrary to popular belief, you are not asleep whilst in hypnosis and will hear everything that is said. Hypnotherapy is interactive and can involve you talking and answering questions during the session. This would not be possible if you were asleep!

Are there any side effects?

There are no harmful side effects unlike some medications or interventions. This is a natural therapy, with many clients reporting a feeling of relaxation and wellbeing after their appointment.

Will hypnosis compromise my religious beliefs?

No, there is no reason for it to do so. I see many clients from all religious backgrounds and beliefs. Hypnotherapy works with the resources from within you to help you make the changes you need.

Is Hypnotherapy safe?

Hypnotherapy is a natural and effective way of making contact with your inner (sub-conscious) self and is a safe and natural therapy.

The thought of hypnosis worries me. Can you still help me?

I have many years of experience helping my clients. Please use the contact form if you have any questions or concerns that are not listed here.

What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming™ (NLP) offers powerful and practical tools and skills for creating profound personal change by understanding how we organise our thoughts, feelings, language and behaviour to produce the results we do.