
Coming to terms with bereavement and moving on from grief.

Whether it's a partner, child, parent, other family member, close friend or just someone we know, losing someone we love or care for is likely to be one of the hardest experiences we are likely to face and can leave us with an overwhelming feeling of pain and a void that is immeasurable.

We all experience grief in our own way.  For some of us though,  it can be difficult to move beyond this, particularly if the loss was unexpected or sudden such as a tragic accident, the result of violence or unexpected illness. Becoming stuck whist searching through our minds to process or make sense of what has happened.

The whirlwind of emotions we go though during these times are numerous and varied. Anger, loneliness, sadness, fear, denial, panic - these are just some of the emotions we can experience.

Death cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, it is something we will all eventually face. It can be hard to appreciate this painful part of our existence although inside us all, is the ability to allow loved ones to live on through our memories and connection that is our love for them. Once we are able to process our grief we can begin to feel this connection again and move forward with our lives.

Grieving takes time. There is no set time for us to go through the grieving process but it is important to be able to express our grief so that we can begin the healing process. It may seem our lives will never be normal again but they can.

I can help. With the help of hypnotherapy and NLP you can gently begin the process of releasing the grief you are experiencing. During this process, you will learn to experience a renewed passion for life and be at peace with the balance of nature whilst being able to feel the closeness of the person you lost.

If you are feeling stuck and unable to move on from grief, call me or get in touch using the contact page and we can talk through how I can help you begin to live again.