
Become free from debilitating fear!

So, what is a Phobia?
It is useful to understand that fear is a normal human emotional reaction which is triggered whenever we sense an actual danger signal or are confronted with an unknown situation which we perceive to be dangerous. Therefore, a degree of fear is natural and can help keep us from harm.

The difference between this natural reaction and a phobia is that a phobia is an acute and overwhelming intense fear or extreme anxiety which occurs only in a particular situation.
Often people are aware that there appears to be no rational basis for the fear or phobia but knowing this doesn't seem to help. This is because a phobia is a programmed response from the unconscious mind and therefore the problem needs to be addressed in a different way.

Using powerful NLP and Hypnotherapy, I can remove the cause of the phobia, so call me or get in touch using the contact page and we can talk through how I can help you to enjoy your life 'phobia free'.